
A space for reflection, motivation and spirituality 
Luisa Barba 

I always look for art in painting, beauty and balance. is a space online where the beauty of art, the elegance and the deep spirituality of the human being are prioritized.

Figurative painting painting, art and culture

Art in general is the evolution of the human being with the five senses and sometimes with a sixth.
Without art you cannot see the evolution of society.
My art, my paintings are the expression of my feeling, my evolution or stagnation, but most important, they are the expression of my spirituality, my euphoria and my depression.
My eyes are crying, that's what they say. From the sadness I sometimes feel, from my desire to cry or from my desire to laugh.
My pictures are my joy or my sufferings. Sometimes my art is concrete, sometimes not, but it is a reflection of the deficiencies and virtues of the human being.
They’re my struggle, they’re my spirit.

Luisa Barba

Leonardo da Vinci

*"A work of art is never finished, only abandoned."
*«Una obra de arte nunca se termina, solo se abandona.»

*"Painting is silent poetry; poetry is blind painting."
*« Pintura es poesía muda; la poesía pintura ciega.»

*"Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art."
*«La belleza perece en la vida, pero es inmortal en el arte.»

*"Great men start great works, working men finish them".
*«Los hombres geniales empiezan grandes obras, los hombres trabajadores las terminan».
Michelangelo Buonarroti

*« The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. »
*« La verdadera obra de arte no es más que una sombra de la perfección divina. » 

*« My soul finds no staircase to heaven unless it be through the beauty of the land. » 
*« Mi alma no encuentra escalera al cielo a menos que sea a través de la hermosura de la tierra. » 
Web page created and designed by Luisa Barba 
All rights reserved. All content on this website may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without permission

Web page created and designed by Luisa Barba
All rights reserved. All content on this website may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without permission
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